A great time at Techmania

Already tired of making snowmen out in the cold? Are you planning on taking your kids to the city for some culture or to see the sights? Then we can certainly recommend visiting the Techmania Science Center. Make sure to plan on spending at least a few hours when visiting Techmania, where the interactive expositions are more than just ordinary toys. Each piece is tasked with teaching you something about a natural phenomenon, the laws of nature, or the field of human resources. Here you’ll learn, for instance, that physics can be an adventure, and that film itself is a form of science.

And what exactly does Techmania have to offer?

Younger children will love one of the newest and most attractive expositions called “Man versus Animal”, where they can test their might against the champions of the animal kingdom. They’ll also be fascinated by the “Water World” and “The Future on a Plate” exhibits. Older children will then enjoy the “Edutorium”, “Going Underground”, “150 Years of Industry in Pilsen”, and “Entropa”, a satirical plastic sculpture by the controversial Czech artist David Černý.

In the rear part of the exposition area, a number of science shows lasting approx. 20 minutes each are held following the daily programme. Some of the most popular include the “Liquid Nitrogen” and “A Journey to Outer space” shows. And as of February 2019, an entirely new science show was prepared for the public called “How to Survive on Mars”. When visiting Techmania, you can also venture into the 3d Planetarium. The gyroscope (a simulator used to train astronauts) is a big favourite with children, and the projection space in the 3D Planetarium and 3D Cinema offer visitors a wide selection of films.

• The Techmania Science Center is open from Thursday to Friday, 8:30 - 17h, and from 10 - 18h on weekends.


